BAGeL Radio

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BAGeL Radio on KCRW/ Day of Silence

BAGeL Radio will stream no music on Tuesday, June 26th. In solidarity with thousands of our webcasting brethren we are joining the Day of Silence in hopes of getting the attention of the mainstrem media. This event will illustrate to the 70+ million regular internet radio listeners in the US what will happen if the Copyright Royalty Board ruling is allowed to stand, shuttering independent internet radio for good. We hope that this spurs listeners and others to contact their representatives in Congress and ask that they support webcasters in this latest battle with the greedy, lying bastards at SoundExchange...who represent the RIAA...who represent the Major Labels...who are the swell folks who have been fleecing music lovers by charging obscene CD prices while at the same time fleecing their artists out of their cut of the profits.

Los Angeles-based NPR station KCRW is hosting a round table discussion of the issues:


On Tuesday, June 26th, KCRW joins fellow webcasters in a Day of Silence. KCRW will shut down its regular web streams and broadcast a one-hour special program about the dangers to online streaming due to new high music royalties.

" D Day for Webcasters" will stream all-day Tuesday on -- repeating every hour for 24 hours -- and on KCRW's airwaves at 2 pm
I ( BAGeL Radio Music Director Ted Leibowitz) am honored to be participating in the KRCW round-table discussion and urge listeners to tune in to the program on Tuesday, June 26th, instead of turning to the scab internet and terrestrial stations which will broadcast RIAA music on that day.

Read more from KRCW here, and a piece in the Wall Street Journal here (looks like the mainstream media is taking notice).

If you have not yet contacted your reps in Congress asking them to support the Internet Radio Equality Act, please do so now. Crunch time fast approacheth.